Your Storage Booking Details Title: Your First Name and Last Name (required): Attach photo ID (optional jpg pdf 2mb limit): Your Email (required): Address (required) Your Postcode (required): Attach proof of address (optional jpg pdf 2mb limit): Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Mobile (required): Date of Birth (required): Next of kin (required): Their contact number (required): Their address (required) Their postcode (required): Your relationship to this person: Do you own the goods you are putting into storage?YesNo If not, do you have their permission?YesNo What is the value of the goods? £ All goods in storage must be insured. Do you require insurance?YesNo Insurance costs £3.60 per calendar month per £1000 value and can be purchased when checking in. If not, you must present a copy of your insurance cover note when booking in. PLEASE NOTE It is prohibited to store food, highly flammable goods, goods without the owners consent, or goods of an illegal nature. By submitting this form you are digitally signing and assuring that all of the above is true.